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Long Hard Week

It’s been a long hard week over in East Anglia, has made me really really appreciate the hard work that TU Organisers have to do,  which i really don’t think i had beforehand.  It’s only thursday, but have already travelled about 400 miles, on top of the time in the office.

On Tuesday, a few of us from this years academy intake attended the Building Stronger unions event at Congress House, which was an eye opener,   it also let us meet a lot of previous years graduates, who were able to give a few tips on things to avoid/things to make sure do happen!

Yesterday was an interesting day,  Visiting a school in Cambridge in the morning to do an audit (where we go to the rep with a checklist to see if there are any problems happening in the school), then to ipswich in the afternoon to attend the first meeting of a campaign group.  I can’t give any more details at the moment, but hopefully i can give a bit more information after the next meeting on the 23rd.

Last week the 14 of us attended out first training block up in Newcastle,  again,  very hard work, but incredibly interesting, the 3 days training have helped quite a bit with the work i’m doing down in east anglia. We also got to find out quite a lot about each other during the mandatory socialising events after each days training (the Student union just across the courtyard from where the course is held),  and it’s good knowing that there are 13 other people in exactly the same boat as me, who are there for support if needed, like i’m there for them!

© Trades Union Congress 2007