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Interesting times here in Belfast, we have 25 members of Movilla High School out on indefinite, continuous strike action following an assault of a teacher. Unlike in England where the press tend to ignore industrial disputes we’ve been caught up in somewhat of a media circus!N. Ireland’s answer to Jeremy Kyle has taken a keen reactionary interest and has dedicated several of his breakfast radio shows and his prime-time BBC1 TV programme to demanding the teachers get back to work (Stephen Nolan is the idiot’s name). The NASUWT has not (and will not) disclose the details of the case to protect both our member and the child involved, but the shock jock thought he knew best and interviewed the parents - blowing anonymity out the water. Seems he’s struggling to understand trade unions don’t have industrial disputes with parents, only employers. Similarly, the Commissioner for Children and Young People has accused us of ‘corporate abuse of children,’ so we’re seeking legal advice on that one. Still, it was amusing to see her squirm on the Nolan show when a ‘bring back the cane’ caller phoned in. That’s what you get when you flirt with the gutter press.

Despite the appalling coverage of the dispute, public support has been solid with the majority agreeing with the basic principle that teachers should not be attacked at work. The solidarity and steadfastness of the teachers involved has been inspirational, particularly given the media accusations. I must admit to struggling with the 5.30 alarm calls to get myself to the picket line for 7.00 but the atmosphere on arrival always jolts me out of slumber. One of the strike leaders publicly vowed at this morning’s meeting to be more pro-active in the union once back at work. I immediately took him up on his offer and asked him to speak about the dispute at a newly qualified teachers conference I’m organising for January.

Talks with the employer are continuing today and we really hope to have secured an agreement this afternoon - expect a further blog in the morning.

Katharine (note the spelling TUC)

© Trades Union Congress 2007