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What do you do all day?

 Here’s an example of a working week from around the beginning of March. What I notice about this week, looking back is that it’s a remarkably unstructured.
 At this stage I was beginning to think about my work plan and I certainly had some ideas but nothing had been given the go-ahead. I was still trying [...]

British Airways

 One of the cool things about working at Congress House is the sense you have of national events unfolding around you. Just lately, the building’s been hosting the  negotiations around the British Airways dispute.
Yesterday the  guy in the phone shop wanted to know  if I thought he’d still be able to get to his brothers [...]


Ever heard of a Gantt chart? No neither had I!  But a Gantt chart I was asked for and a Gantt chart I have produced.
For the uninitiated this is a way of showing when different parts of a project should be started or finished. It looks a load of lines or boxes on a calendar. [...]

© Trades Union Congress 2007