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Jen Larbie


Jennifer Larbie


NUT Organiser

 In March 2008, I was elected President of University of Birmingham Guild of students (2008-2009). My biggest achievement in this role was fighting and winning a campaign to reduce the cost of printing on campus, now saving the student body thousands of this academic year. Till this day I still get face book messages from students thanking me for highlighting the issue of hidden course costs and going a long way to alleviating the cost of being a student. It was my year as a sabbatical in the student movement that cemented my interest in getting involved in the trade union movement.

The role of President of the student union role exposed me to the importance of collectivism, unionism and renewed my energy to be part of the new politics of change. I studied politics as my degree and had some fantastic lecturers, who taught me to be critical of the change brought about by neo liberal economic policies in this country and all across the world. They were 100% right. As I embark on a career in the trade union movement in the a climate where people are losing their homes, jobs and a sense of security and trust in government, I realise our work in the movement has never been more imperative.

As an Academy Organiser, I would like to make a long lasting contribution within the NUT. I would very much like to assist the union in, recruitment developing policy and future campaigns. The process of gaining my position within the Organising Academy as having been particularly vigorous and generally hard work! I am clearly extremely proud to be a part of building the trade union movement and feel particularly at home in my academy class with other politically likeminded people.

© Trades Union Congress 2007