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Introducing – Chris Musgrave NUT South West Regional Organiser


Name: Chris Musgrave

Age: 23


Originally from Pontypridd, but spent his working time in the City of Cardiff, where he worked for the HMRC for 7 years.

Chris was propelled into activation by a growing dissatisfaction with his management and deteriorating working conditions. During his time at HMRC he was a PCS Union Representative for four years, and a full time rep for just under 2 years. His role in the PCS was initially as a Branch Equality Officer, although he quickly took on other roles including a heavy personal case load, with cases for unfair dismal and discrimination reaching Employment Tribunal and as a passionate advocate of sustainability Chris was also the one of the first Green reps in PCS. Chris finished his PCS career as National Young Member Convenor for Wales Branch Health & Safety Chair, Branch Equality Chair and a leading case worker

Outside of the union movement Chris is a supporter of old Labour politics and a member of the Pontypridd constituency executive committee as both the Youth and Technology Officer.

Chris is proud to call himself a socialist and has supported many left wing campaigns including Youth fight for Jobs, Campaign Against Climate change and a range of anti fascist campaigns.


Found the recruitment process initially traumatising, as the logistics for relocating to the South West from Wales were difficult, as lots of elements had to be combined in such a short period of time.

Having completed the activist academy and not the development centre Chris says he found this to be more structured than the development centre process from what other colleagues have said.

Chris also says that despite the initial difficulties he is pleased and proud to have been offered a place on this year’s Organising Academy as it is such a prestigious placement.


Chris would like to double the TUC membership in 12 months ideally and restore the movement to density levels of the pre-Thatcher era. More realistically for the first 12 months Chris wants to firstly become established in the South West region, He then wants to create strong links with local activists, pass on his skills and experience with a view to empowering them to further increase activity and membership across the movement.

Why is Organising Important?

With the future prospects of a Tory led government, Chris’ feels that there is a difficult battle for the trade union movement, and for the movement to be able to combat that on-coming war then unions need to organise!

Chris feels that the role of the organiser is paramount to winning the war and is proud to be a part taking the trade union movement into the next decade.

© Trades Union Congress 2007