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Odds On Organising

Two months goes very quickly when you are organising, I have warn through one set of shoes, one coat and now know London by betting shop locations. When I started at Community no one said it would be easy, but I don’t know any organising campaign that is! It is not hard to get motivated [...]

mr blobby

Well, it’s halfway through our second lot of training, and tonight we’ve had a trade union quiz, No idea who got what score, or who won, just that a few bottles of wine were won. Had a really interesting discussion about the Obama election campaign this afternoon.

Organising Yorkshire….

                    We should be talking about specific campaigns but in my case it could be slightly different. Last week I and my coach finally met some key branches in the region to find out where we have possible resources and in what areas we as a organising dept. could help or support them as well. [...]

EIS Activities

Another Monday at the EIS and I’ve just finished reading through emails from students studying Education in Scotland.  Last week, I went to most of my Universities and put EIS posters up.  The posters are an introduction to the students about who I am and the work I do, which unfortunately means there’s a photo of me on the [...]

Young Members Weekend School

Just got back to the office after spending a weekend in Abergavenny on a Unite Young Members Weekend School.
It was great to get out from behind my desk and meet some young trade union members/activists and even better that some of them expressed an interest in the work I’m doing which was encouraging.
Feeling rather tired now [...]

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