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PCS Action update

The programme of action will begin with a national one day strike on Monday, 10th November.


Getting Started
I started my placement as an organiser within PCS’s  Culture division three weeks ago.  My ‘bedding in’ period has been as interesting as it has been varied, and I am enjoying every minute of it! So far, I have co-facilitated workshops; met with lay organisers and other activists; minuted the AGM of English [...]


Talks collapsed at midnight, the strike continues. A national demonstration is being organised under the banner of ‘Campaign for Safe schools.’ We will be seeking support from across the water so beware Sam, Joanne and Nell i will be chasing you shortly!.


Interesting times here in Belfast, we have 25 members of Movilla High School out on indefinite, continuous strike action following an assault of a teacher. Unlike in England where the press tend to ignore industrial disputes we’ve been caught up in somewhat of a media circus!N. Ireland’s answer to Jeremy Kyle has taken a keen [...]